
My Journey from the business world, to the spiritual world and back.

I woke up one day in the early 2000’s and sought to lead a more “spiritual” life. I loved my work as a CPA in the firm my husband and I founded together, but something was missing. I longed for something with more meaning and purpose.

I did know the unhappiness I felt in my life wasn’t “real”. I somehow knew it was story or a condition that did not necessarily represent the life I felt was possible for me. And so my journey began.

Now, fifteen years later, I did not know this kind of peace, love and joy filled life was possible. I now see myself and others, as the beautiful souls we are and we have only to become clear about our true identity to live the life we are destined. Together we can work to create a better world with both our hearts and our minds.

Professional Bio

Danielle Marie Hewitt has a diverse background spanning 40 years of visionary work, education and experience which brings a unique skill set and value proposition to both corporate leadership teams and individual community leaders who are vested in creating a prosperous and conscientious global environment.


Danielle Marie is a certified public accountant (CPA) licensed with the state of California and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with and emphasis in Accounting. She has worked for the U.S. Government, Financial Institutions, Computer Manufacturers, Hospitality businesses, Real Property Management, and a mid-sized Public Accounting firm all prior to co-founding a public accounting firm which she operates with her spouse and business partner in Irvine, Orange County, CA. As a partner in her CPA firm for 20 years she has assisted a highly diverse group of business owners with both financial management and income tax advice.

Danielle Marie is also an Ordained Minister and holds a Bachelor of Science in Metaphysics (Ph.D in progress). She is the Founder and visionary leader of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community which operated in Irvine, CA from 2007 to 2017. Her tireless efforts to provide a place of learning, growth, fellowship, and community are reflected in the programs and projects created, one of which, Radiance Magazine, a periodical for Social Consciousness and Integrated Wellness continues to publish 6 issues per year.

Danielle’s unique combined background of business and social consciousness brings a value proposition to the executive management team of both business intelligence and humanitarianism. She specializes in advisory roles as either a non-executive director or executive director helping small to medium sized businesses create forward thinking plans and strategies for a strong and prosperous future.

Certifications & Credentials

Certified Public Accountant, State of California, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Cal State Long Beach, Master of Business Administration, National University, San Diego (in progress), Ordained Minister, Bachelor of Science, Metaphysics (Ph. D. in progress) University of Metaphysics Online, and ThetaHealing Master, Honorary Ph. D., ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge.


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 “Danielle has been and continues to be my number one go to mentor. She is phenomenal. I have never met anyone who with such compassion and accuracy gets to the bottom of my triggers, fears, problems. She has been such a huge inspiration and guide in my children and my life that I would and am recommending her to anyone who feels ready to truly shift.

I can not only trust her as a person but also as a mentor. Her words heal and shift and her power is immense. Thank you Danielle for being you and helping me and so many others find the light again. I cherish you so very much and could not ever adequately put into words how your gift has helped me and continues to help me.” — L.C , France



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